Facebook Redesign Catapults Quiz Monster Up The Developer Leaderboard

Facebook’s redesign a couple weeks ago created a lot of backlash among millions of users but one company not complaining was Quiz Monster, who has now become a staple of every user’s news feed. The company has now also shot up the developer leaderboard to become the 10th largest application developer. One of the company’s more popular applications takes the name of the company, Quiz Monster, and lets users create their own quizzes that can then be published to the news feed.

The end result is that no matter how hard you try, quizzes still continue to appear in your news feed. While it’s great news for the company as they continue to jump up the leaderboard, I’m not so sure that all users appreciate the overwhelming presence of quizzes throughout their news feed. Then again, there is nobody else to blame about those feed stories other than the users who published them.

Two developers have benefited most from the redesign: LivingSocial and Quiz Monster. LivingSocial lets users create their own top 5 lists and their primary application, LivingSocial, now ranks among the top 10 applications and continues to grow daily. Quiz Monster has also been thriving but it hasn’t been as apparent as their user base is spread among multiple applications.

It’s debatable as to whether or not the quiz applications truly add value to a user’s feed but then again, it’s not the applications that are responsible for the feed stories, it’s the users! Do you think the new quiz applications are obtrusive? Have you been creating quiz applications yourself?