Voices of Tomorrow: Creating a More Equitable Working World for Women in Advertising

A Women's History Month series on how the industry can ensure progress

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There are ways marketers and advertisers can do their part to ensure the world continues a path of progress for women today and overcome the barriers brought on by the global pandemic in the past two years.

To acknowledge the accomplishments and aspirations of women across the industry, we’ve partnered with equality services company The Female Quotient for a special Voice series called Voices of Tomorrow. During the month of March, you will hear from trailblazers within The Female Quotient’s network and in the ad industry about what marketers need to know to continue making advances toward equity and supporting women in the workplace, business ventures and male-dominated industries.

We will collect each new piece here throughout Women’s History Month. Click the images below to read them.

The Silver Lining of the Shecession: Changing the Course of History


Shelley Zalis, CEO of The Female Quotient, kicks off the Voices of Tomorrow series on a positive note by detailing the upsides of the Shecession, including rewriting the rules of the workplace and spotlighting the visionaries who are changing the course of history.

Women’s Sports: A Winning Proposition for Brands

Femlae athlete breaking through a chain with a baseball bat.
The momentum keeps building, but women’s sports total only 4% of all sports media coverage.

Women’s sports are not just a phenomenon. Christine Guilfoyle from the Association of National Advertisers discusses what marketers need to know about the power of female athletes in today’s world.

Paving the Way for the Next Generation of Female Founders

Women fighting their way to the top of their fields face capital constraints, lack of organizational support and gender bias.

Anna Whiteman from growth equity fund Coefficient Capital identifies key themes that could prove helpful in streamlining the paths to success for the next generation of female founders.

How Women Can Succeed in a Male-Dominated Industry Like Tech

Woman sitting with her laptop in between two empty office chairs.
There are two types of people—those who drop the ladder down behind them and those who pull the ladder up.

Oftentimes, companies hire women for leadership roles during periods of crisis, otherwise known as the ‘glass cliff.’ Common Thread Collective cco Orchid Bertelsen shares strong advice on how women can not only survive—but thrive.

Women’s History Month Is Almost Over. How Will You Continue to #BreakTheBias?

Image of woman holding laundry basket that contains keyboard, teddy bear, and smoke.
Women’s labor force participation is now at a level we haven’t seen since the 1980s.

From implementing returnships to fighting ageism, there is work to do beyond March. Mita Mallick from Carta provides food for thought by presenting three key questions on how you can help women during the pandemic and beyond.