Will There Be Lines Outside Microsoft Stores on November 8?

I think a large part of the Apple iPhone lore are the stories about long lines of people waiting outside Apple and AT&T stores starting the day before the phones went on sale. For several days after the iPhone went on sale people where writing about their experiences waiting in line meeting different people with whom there was a camaraderie. So, I wonder, will people be standing in line in front of Microsoft and AT&T stores on November 8? What, you don’t know that there are Microsoft stores? Well there are, four of them in fact, and more being built, such as in the Mall of America, which as you will see in the video below will be huge. You might notice that the Microsoft stores look similar and provide similar services as Apple stores, but I don’t think there is the same passion towards Microsoft products as there is Apple products. While I could be surprised, I don’t think there will be many standing in line to buy the new Windows Phone 7 on November 8, but then I didn’t stand in line for Windows 95 either.