Stride Gum Setting 100 Ridiculously Long Lasting Records In 100 Days [Video]

Stride gum prides itself on being "ridiculously long lasting," and to celebrate that fact they are setting the record for the "Longest Lasting Streak of Long Lasting Records." Stride is setting a new "long lasting record" every day for 100 days and inviting fans to break their records for a shot at $500 and long lasting notoriety.

Stride gum prides itself on being “ridiculously long lasting,” and to celebrate that fact they are setting the record for the “Longest Lasting Streak of Long Lasting Records.”  Stride is setting a new “long lasting record” every day for 100 days and inviting fans to break their records for a shot at $500 and long lasting notoriety.

So far they’ve set the record for the longest balloon volley using heads, the longest time spent kicking one’s own butt, and the most table tennis balls bounced into cups in one minute. They’ve got 97 more records to go, and in the meantime they’ve invited their fans to try to break their records.  If you hold the record for any one of the challenges at the end of the 100 days, you’ll get $500.  If all of the records are broken, 100 $500 prizes will be rewarded at the end of the 100 days.

Want to try your luck at breaking one of Stride’s records?  Register at, upload a video of yourself breaking the record of your choice, and then upload it.  Then, just keep your fingers crossed that you’ll still hold the record at the end of the 100 days so you can claim your prize.  Learn more on the Stride Gum Facebook page.

Check out Stride’s world records for the longest balloon volley and the longest time spent kicking one’s own butt below.

And can we please just take a moment to give props to for being awesome?  Record Setter is a site that lets literally anyone set a record.  Just think of something that you’re good at and come up with a quantifiable and breakable task and create a video of yourself performing it.  Your record will live on in the Record Setter database, until somebody else breaks it.  Pretty neat, eh?

Will you be trying your luck at breaking one of the Stride Gum records?  Which one will it be?

Megan O’Neill is the resident web video enthusiast here at Social Times.  Megan covers everything from the latest viral videos to online video news and tips, and has a passion for bizarre, original and revolutionary content and ideas.