Snapchat Teams Up With National Network to End Domestic Violence

Resources that can be accessed safety and privately were added to the app’s Here for You feature

Snapchat teamed up with the National Network to End Domestic Violence on new resources for Snapchatters dealing with domestic abuse or looking to support friends or loved ones who are.

The new resources are part of the Here for You feature Snapchat introduced in February to provide proactive, in-application support to users who may be experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis, or who just want to learn more about these types of issues.

If a Snapchat user searches for support related to abuse, violence or stalkers, he or she will see content developed by the NNEDV, and that content will be available in subtitles for people who don’t feel comfortable or safe viewing it with the sound on.




A Snapchat spokesperson pointed out that social distancing guidelines brought on by the coronavirus pandemic may mean that victims or survivors of domestic violence are quarantining with their abusers and unable to reach out to hotlines or local resources for help, or to police, which is why it and the NNEDV are providing resources that can be accessed privately and safely.