MySpace Removes Application Forums

Yesterday MySpace announced that they were officially shutting off the forums on the application profile pages. The biggest reason was spam. I had written about this issue previously as there were hate message being posted on a number of walls. Facebook applications have faced similar issues but apparently the spam reporting mechanisms on Facebook have been more effective.

What is MySpace telling developers to do now that their application forums are gone? Go download your own and moderate it! I’m not sure that this is the best solution but at least it shows that MySpace doesn’t have complete control over their spam situation. Spam has been an ongoing challenge for the social network and it appears that this time around the spammers have won.

Facebook on the other hand appears to have a relatively more efficient system which fights spam (as pictured below). While Facebook applications have to battle spam, it appears that the level of spam is far below MySpace or perhaps that the type of spam on Facebook is less offensive. These are broad generalizations though. What is clear is that MySpace will cut off the channels that spammers have access to instead of trying to institute system which filter them out.