Circle Of Moms Makes Child Space Pages Even More Well-Rounded

There’s a new addition to the Circle of Moms — the popular Facebook application is offering new features to its Child Spaces pages. The site has amassed more than 5 million Child Space entries since its launch a little more than a year ago, and now mommies have even more ways to share and control information about their children.

The upgrade to Child Space entries give moms the ability to share information and updates on the pages through Facebook and Twitter, as well as set just who gets access to those updates. With personal security becoming an increasing concern across all social networks, Circle of Moms is also offering better control over privacy settings to protect any sensitive information.

Circle of Moms is also planning to grow the Child Space feature set further by offering vanity URLs and customized templates and themes to add even more personalization to the pages. Also slated is the ability to pull in content from photo and video sites, like Flickr and YouTube, to make tracking and cataloging every special moment easier and more complete. Photo printing capability will give those with access to the pages the ability to share pictures with friends and family off line.

Facebook was a large part of Circle of Moms’ early success, as well as its continued rapid growth. By adding these elements that mirror some of the latest offering from Facebook, Circle of Moms should broaden its appeal even further by functioning as an even more accessible and effective tool for sharing pictures and news about children with family and friends.

The application currently has nearly 2.4 million monthly active users, and should see further growth as the new Child Space features offer the privacy and and control moms worry about with the ability to share personal information that has made the app so popular.