Access Web Applications With OpenBox

Third-party services will be able to access your files thanks to OpenBox, unwrapping some time next month. Without downloading any software or breaking the bank you can work on files from anywhere, protect your important files and collaborate and share online. Several big-name Web 2.0 sites are already on board: Zazzle, Twitter and Scribd to name a few.

Last week we wrote about the convenience of and now they’re taking things to the next level.

If you see a file on one of these sites that you’d like to “keep” you can right click on it and save it to Box (be selecting the option at the bottom of the list). You can now continue to use it with that service or access it again at a later date. Better yet, you can also edit and modify the files as well.

With the new OpenBox Services, you can bring the power of web applications directly into your existing Box account. Edit photos and images online with Picnik, work on your Word and Excel files using Zoho, publish documents for the whole world to see through Scribd, send your documents signed with EchoSign, and much more.

Companies that agree to a deal with Box now have a new way to offer their services, all while piggybacking on another service. This is a trend that should continue to grow as the walled gardens that once surrounded social networks continue to fall.

The move effectively takes Box from a two-way street to a full-blown highway, complete with on and off ramps, multiple lanes of traffic and a higher-speed of travel.