Editor’s Letter: Adweek Unveils Its First-Ever Advisory Board

Zeroing in on our audience’s needs and gaining a deeper understanding of the businesses we cover

Leaders from Glossier, Shopify, Mastercard and more will take the stage at Brandweek to share what strategies set them apart and how they incorporate the most valued emerging trends. Register to join us this September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

It should come as no surprise that covering media and marketing in this era of universal transformation is no small endeavor. Change arrives at a breakneck pace and leaves disruption, broken business models and obsolescence in its wake.

Let’s be honest, it can be frightening and the anxiety is often palpable across our entire coverage area. Industry practitioners have to keep pace, do their homework and try to see into the future as clearly as possible to remain relevant, valued and, yes, employed.

This presents Adweek with the unique opportunity to reorient our value proposition and pivot our journalism to be more education-based in order to help the people and companies we cover arm themselves with enough marketplace intelligence, insight, context and connections to build a strategy for the next six months as well as the next six years.

While we have already started down this path, it became very clear that we can’t go it alone and that we would need a much tighter bond with the people reshaping the brand marketing ecosystem. We would need to hear firsthand what the key pain points are and the nascent—almost real-time—thought leadership bubbling up to address them. In short, we realized we need help beyond our newsroom to deliver on this vision and set out to form Adweek’s first Advisory Board.

Spearheaded with great passion, energy and focus by David Griner, Adweek’s director of digital initiatives, the inaugural board draws from every part of our coverage areas. They include experts in fields like AI, commerce and autonomous functionality that we know are going to have massive implications for media and marketing, but that we are just beginning to understand.

“This group, which will evolve over time as new members rotate on, will advise Adweek on the trends, debates and emerging technologies shaping their industries,” said Griner. “But we’re just as excited about facilitating conversations among the group—and based on our first board meeting in January, there will be no shortage of discussion and debate.”

The two-dozen leaders from renowned agencies, brands, media and technology companies have generously committed to providing Adweek, and in turn the community it serves, with insights and guidance to successfully navigate these transformative times and we are indeed grateful for their partnership.

Adweek also recognizes the need to synthesize a diversity of opinions to maintain its position as the premier and inclusive voice in the marketplace, and the board reflects the gender parity the industry should always expect and demand.

The Advisory Board will meet regularly with Adweek’s senior editorial team at gatherings across the country to discuss the pressing issues of the day. Members also will be on hand to publish thought leadership columns, speak at Adweek events and provide Adweek with insight and analysis on an as-needed basis across all platforms.

Adweek will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2019 and as with any important milestone, it’s just as important to look forward as it is to look back. Our Advisory Board will keep us smart, focused and ultimately a much more valued resource for our audience. They will quite simply help us help you do your job better, and that’s a win for us all.

Learn more about all of the members of Adweek’s first Advisory Board.

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This story first appeared in the Feb. 19, 2018, issue of Adweek magazine. Click here to subscribe.