Sen. Lindsey Graham Explains Why He Never Uses Email

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meet the pressFor example 5,047 of just what in the world is wrong with the U.S. Congress, look no further than the work computer of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

Graham has enjoyed notoriety and prestige (along with sweet parking benefits) for the past 12 years representing his constituency in South Carolina. He also sits on four Senate subcommittees — including the Senate Subcommittee for Privacy, Technology and the Law.

The last one is important to note because while speaking with NBC’s Chuck Todd on ‘Meet the Press’ (above), he shared his proclivity for the good ol’ days before the Internet and running water.

“I don’t e-mail,” said Graham. “No, you can have every e-mail I’ve ever sent. I’ve never sent one…I don’t know what that makes me.

We have an idea, but it’s good to know that none of the two-plus million emails that enter inboxes every single second on the Internet were not written by Senator Graham.

Graham was discussing the Hillary Clinton cyber drama at the time, and his admission went viral over the weekend, so he thought he would explain to his public, as reported by Bloomberg:

“I do not use email. I prefer to talk on the phone…The next president of the United States needs to be good with people, not just technology.”

And if that wasn’t enough poli-spin for you, enjoy this stumping:

“What I do, basically, is that I’ve got iPads, and I play around. But I don’t e-mail. I’ve tried not to have a system where I can just say the first dumb thing that comes to my mind. I’ve always been concerned. I can get texts, and I call you back, if I want. I get a text, and I respond not by sending you a text, but calling you if I think what you asked is worthy enough for me calling you.

I’m not being arrogant, but I’m trying to jealously guard myself in terms of being able to think through problems and not engage in chat all day. I’ve had a chance to kind of carve out some time for myself not responding to every 15-second crisis.”

Don’t worry. The example we’ve come to expect from Capitol Hill involves NOT responding to every crisis.

As it were.