StatusHistory Delivers Facebook's Most Memorable

While Facebook has yet to sort out a Memorable Status Updates, a startup aptly called has come out with something much better.

Sometimes it takes a third-party application developer to get a feature done right. That seems to be the case with Facebook’s attempt to offer a Memorable Status Updates application — a startup aptly called has come out with a better version.

We never could figure out why Facebook’s Memorable Status Updates chose items at random, without using engagement metrics such as likes and comments to determine which one was most popular.

That’s what StatusHistory does: It shows you which post got the most comments and likes, then provides a full screen of the most popular posting and all corresponding replies.

The application also shows you who has liked and commented on the largest number of your status updates — this is awesome if you’re looking to uncover secret admirers.

Then it offers you a searchable archive of all your status updates. You can query based on keywords, comments and likes.

When I used the application, it showed me that status updates commenting about dating prompted the most debate among my friends.

Readers, have you checked out this application yet? What was your most popular status update?