Facebookers Vent About Skype Withdrawal Symptoms

Facebook posts show a lot of people verging on panic over the Skype outage today.

Posts about today’s Skype outage have reached a pace of once every few seconds while the free communication service has been down.

The postings may have informed more people in real time about Skype’s status than even the news media could keep up with.

The frequency of these posts, along with the sense of despair expressed in many of them, has shown how deeply addicted people are to the free Internet phone call application.

Postings about Skype included many status updates expressing frustration and even boredom. The outage brought many offices to a halt, at least for workers who would otherwise spend most of their time communicating with colleagues, customers, suppliers and business partners.

Numerous other posts included links to news articles about the Skype outage, validating that the posters’ experiences weren’t isolated.

At times the flow of posts ebbs, right around when a user writes something suggesting limited availability of the service. The complaints about the outage continue, only at a slower pace, suggesting that some people had service intermittently. As soon as the even limited availability stops, the pace of the posts pick up.

How has the Skype downtime effected your day?