Celebrity Doppelgangers Experience A Facebook Revival

Last month celebrity doppelgangers went viral as users rushed to switch their profile picture to their celebrity look-a-like. Over the past week, celebrity doppelgangers have been experiencing a surge in popularity through the MyHeritage Celebrity Look-alikes application. In just the past week, the application has almost doubled in size, making it one of the fastest growing Facebook applications.

While not the millions of users previously involved in the doppelganger phenomenon, the application now has had close to one million active users in the past month, growing around 400 percent. Whether or not this application becomes one of the largest applications, it probably has a good shot given the popularity of celebrity doppelganger’s on Facebook.

While the application hasn’t found a great celebrity doppelganger for myself, I’ve had many friends successfully find their celebrity look-a-like. Despite a shift in the type of application that are growing in popularity following the removal of notifications, it appears that photo manipulation applications have continued to find success on the Facebook Platform.

Practically every Facebook user has had the experience of being tagged in a photo which lists their friends who share similar birthdays. Celebrity doppelgangers aren’t as inherently viral though, due to the fact that the photos are of the user who interacts with the application, not their friends. The sharing of doppelgangers appears to be effective enough at enticing users’ friends to try out the application though.

If you want to find out your own celebrity doppelganger, go install the MyHeritage Celebrity Look-alikes application.