10 Things Facebook Users Love And Hate

While large brands and small businesses alike are taking full advantage of Facebook Pages and Facebook advertising, many users are spending their time speaking out about things they love or hate. While I typically take the time to highlight brands or people that are doing excellent things, I thought it would be fun to list some of the off-topic Facebook Pages that are among the most popular, yet do not represent any official organization.

Love: Sleep

Facebook users love their sleep. It’s not surprising considering that all (or most) Facebook users are humans. Humans have a basic need for their daily dose of sleep. During this time, Facebook users shut off their computers (or let the screensavers run), lie down, and close their eyes. While sleeping, a large portion of these Facebook users tend to have something called “dreams”. Dreams are things that all Facebook users tends to enjoy, however sometimes things don’t go as planned.

Hate: Waking Up From Dreams

Whether their parents are waking them up to go to school, a baby is crying, a lover is snoring, or the sky starts to fall and make very loud noises, Facebook users are occasionally awake from their joyous slumber unexpectedly. It’s an unfortunate occurrence, especially when the individual was in the midst of an amazing dream. Whether they were flying through the sky, having sex with someone they are lusting after, or having vivid imaginations in general, sleep eventually ends.

If the individual was is a dream when they awoke, they often attempt to go back to sleep to continue the dream. I know I’ve done before! So have over 3.6 million other Facebook users on the page, “I hate waking up during a good dream and it won’t come back!“. So when do Facebook users tend to get woken up from their slumbers?

Love: Staying Up Late For Pointless Reasons

After they’ve stayed up late of course! Over 3.5 million Facebook users have joined a page titled “I don’t sleep enough because I stay up late for no reason.” Another 2.44 million Facebook users stay up late just because they love it. Whatever the reason is that you stayed up late, you’ll most likely regret it the next day. No matter how many times we stay up late though, it’s inevitable that we’ll have another night with not enough sleep. These Facebook users never learn!!

Hate: Stupid People

After waking up, users want something to bitch about and one of the most bitched about things on Facebook is “Stupid People”. Over 2.6 million people have joined the page “I hate stupid people“. Who doesn’t hate stupid people? They suck! If you are looking to be extremely articulate and wish to voice your opinion against those whom you don’t like, feel free to join the “I hate stupid people” Facebook Page.

Love: Vacation

Facebook users work a lot. While 23 percent of Facebook may make over $100,000 a year on average (according to Nielsen), they don’t get a lot of time to take vacations. That’s why over 4.37 million Facebook users claim that they need a vacation. While the Facebook Page has been relatively stagnant recently, “I need a vacation” is still the 12th most popular Facebook Page according to Facebook Pages statistics tool. If the Facebook users spent less time on Facebook and more time working, perhaps they could get away to that vacation just a little bit sooner!

Hate: Slow Computers

Unfortunately it’s not always easy to be productive. That’s because sometimes our computers just aren’t running smoothly. While that was my reason for upgrading to a MacBook Pro long ago, many people are not fortunate enough to work for a company that values efficiency. If you happen to be running a PC which has downloaded tons of spyware, is plagued with viruses, or simply doesn’t load quickly anymore, I feel your pain. I have a few computers that I use and some of them just don’t load quickly. It appears that over 3.89 million Facebook users also have experienced the exact same thing.
While it appears that the “I really hate slow computers” page has been blocked from publishing, a couple thousand people are still joining the movement daily.

Love: Random Moments Of Joy And Laughter

For those moments when things aren’t going your way (such as your computer going slow) it’s best just to laugh it off. Millions of Facebook users appear to have a great sense of humor. Over 3.24 million Facebook users enjoy “random laughter when remembering something” and an additional 2.69 million users enjoy “laughing until it hurts and you can’t breathe!

While I know that laughing until you can’t breathe can occasionally be a dangerous thing, it’s probably a healthy thing to experience at least once in your life!

Hate: The Absence Of A Dislike Button

I know we all enjoy some of the content being published by our friends on Facebook, however not all content was created equal and sometimes it flat out sucks. That’s why over 2.495 million Facebook users want a dislike button. Unfortunately for these fans, the movement lost steam after the page (like many of the others on the list) was prevented from posting further updates to the page.

Unfortunately their was no way to “dislike” the page administrator’s final update which read “As of June 24th, I received a message from FB saying I could no longer publish new content myself.” It’s tough luck for all those haters mulling around Facebook all day!

Love: Money

Money is an important thing which enables trade among humans around the world. Whether you personally love it or hate, millions of Facebook users are in love with money. That’s why over 3.2 million are fans of finding money in their pocket and an additional 2.2 million people are fans of “getting paid“. Love it or hate it, money is necessary to survive and millions of Facebook users love every time they get more of it!

Hate: Warm Pillows

Sometimes your pillow gets a little to warm for your liking. That’s why over 2.9 million Facebook users like taking the time to flip the pillow over to get to the cold side. While it may take a little bit of effort to flip a pillow over in the midst of sleeping, it’s well worth the effort. That’s because many times you will be rewarded with the cold side! So next time you are flipping that pillow over, remember that millions of Facebook users are there to support you.

Facebook Users Are Lovers

While there are numerous other generic Facebook pages on Facebook, one thing is clear: Facebook are lovers, not haters. While that could be due to the fact that Facebook Pages are for “fans” (not enemies), I’d like to think that Facebook is for lovers. If you want to find more things that Facebook users love and hate, you can check out our Facebook page statistics area.

Baby image from The Blackwhole’s Weblog.