Issuu Disrupts the Traditional Holiday Catalog With Clip Tool

You've probably been perusing Pinterest for holiday decorating and shopping ideas. So you've probably come across clipped content from issuu. This season, retailers flocked to the publishing platform for their gift guides and catalogs. With the launch of their Clip tool this July, it's more fun to browse and share them. Iconic New York retailers like the Strand bookstore and Dean & Deluca used issuu to leverage their holiday marketing.

issuu holiday marketingYou’ve probably been perusing Pinterest for holiday decorating and shopping ideas. So you’ve probably come across clipped content from issuu. This season, retailers flocked to the publishing platform for their gift guides and catalogs. With the launch of their Clip tool this July, it’s more fun to browse and share them. Iconic New York retailers like the Strand bookstore and Dean & Deluca used issuu to leverage their holiday marketing.

Scott Kinzie, Vice President of Marketing for issuu, says that Clip and issuu allow retailers to expand their reach:

Publishers take content that was designed for print , publish that one time at issuu, and then its available to the [millions] of those issuu readers across any platform or device or screen size they want to consume the content on. The Clip tool makes content that no one could share before available to share.

That’s pretty powerful, especially when you think about the good ol’days of earmarking catalogs and leaving them on the kitchen table. It’s an instinct. Now, you can clip and share on any of your social channels. And then that local Strand holiday book guide goes global. National retailers like Williams&Sonoma and brands like Style Me Pretty are publishing on issuu as well. Williams & Sonoma created their holiday catalog; Style Me Pretty used the platform for a holiday style guide and DIY decorating tips.

But the tools are useful all year round, obviously. Kinzie says that brands are all hopping aboard:

Now that we’re rolling through the holiday season we’ve seen a lot of retailers really embrace this shift. Brands start to get in the game. Especially brands that don’t publish as a primary means of marketing but publish as a secondary means of supporting their campaigns.

Whether it’s for a primary shopping experience or a secondary marketing campaign, issuu is making it easier for brands and retailers to get their content passed around the web.