The Huffington Post Launches Religion and Science: A Contemporary Discussion

The Huffington Post (announced the launch of a new forum, Religion and Science: A Contemporary Discussion, which it says is aimed at “hosting an intelligent and respectful discussion of one of the most important and contentious conversations of our time.”

HuffPost Religion editor Paul Raushenbush said:

This debate is not new. Religion and science have been jostling one another for as long as both have been making truth claims about the nature of existence. When scientists and religious thinkers reinforce one another, the relationship between these two disciplines has been amiable; but when adherents disagree, it is with extraordinary passion. Why?

Both religion and science offer explanations for the universe: what it is, how it came to be, and the role of humanity within it. Furthermore, religion and science differ on what counts as proof of truth, and on the role of empirical and/or rational thought in establishing the nature of reality. How one understands religion and science can influence, and be influenced by, our convictions of whether or not there is a Creator, which bleeds into the atheist/theist and evolution/intelligent design debates.

Religious and scientific worldviews often come with corresponding ethical implications, and they therefore influence debates on current hot-button issues such as the environment, medicine, and education. This is all important stuff — it is no surprise that passions run high, as we have seen in the number of comments on the articles on HuffPost Religion.

Our hope for this forum is that readers will be exposed to the perspectives of both those with whom we agree and those with whom we disagree. Neither religion nor science is going away. Having a creative and productive dialogue between these worldviews will be crucial to our collective progress as we move further into the 21st century. Religion and Science: A Contemporary Discussion is one way we can move forward together.