Skype Has Big Plans For Android Video Chat

Yesterday Todd wrote about Fring’s Android app that supports video chat on high end Android phones like the Sprint HTC EVO. One might wonder whether Skype, who is the dominant VoIP and video chat application for Windows and Macs, is going to get in on the video chat game. Turns out that Skype has big plans for mobile phones and plans to “set the bar on mobile video calling.”

Last month Verizon made a big announcement saying that they officially support Skype on their network for Android and Blackberry smart phones. Right now Skype is only available to Android users on Verizon wireless, but that exclusive arrangement will end some time later this year. In a post on the skattertech blog, Skype is quoted as saying that they will be releasing a direct to consumer app later this year, and presumably that app will support the EVO’s front facing camera.