Manage Evernote To-Dos With Egretlist

Regular readers will know that I am a huge fan of Evernote. I can access all of my information stored in Evernote from all of my computing devices thanks to Evernote’s wide range of client applications and very good desktop and mobile web applications. One of the features of Evernote is the ability to place to-do checkboxes within notes.

As I am taking notes during meetings in Evernote, I preface any action items that I have from the meeting with a to-do checkbox. I then use Evernote’s attributes section to filter out notes that contain unfinished to-do items and as I complete my action items from the meeting, I mark them as complete in my notes.

What I really wish someone would provide is a way to transfer to-do items in Evernote to Outlook, which is where I manage my work tasks. While such a function does not exist yet, an iPhone app called Egretlist works with Evernote to find all notes that contains to-do checkboxes and displays them in a list like you see in Outlook. As you check off the items in Egretlist the changes synchronize back to Evernote. Egretlist is an iPhone only application and it costs $2.99.