CBS Chief on Mobile TV: 'As Long as We Get Paid'

Wired posted an interview with CBS president Leslie Moonves discussing YouTube, Google, and Internet distribution in general. It’s particularly relevant, since CBS just announced that they’re going against the flow and will be syndicating their shows across multiple Internet sites, instead of creating their own portal.

At the end of the interview, Wired threw in a question or two about mobile TV:

Wired: Recently, you made a deal with Verizon Wireless. Do you think mobile TV is going to work?

Moonves: We think wireless is going to grow tremendously. Do I think people are going to watch an episode of Survivor on a 2-inch television set? I doubt it. But I do think somebody’s going to go to a grocery store in the middle of a football game and watch that game.

Wired: Of all these new distribution channels, what’s the most valuable?

Moonves: They’re all good. We don’t care how you get our content – over the air, over cable, satellite, the Internet, or on your cell phone – as long as we get paid for it.

Spoken like a true businessperson.

CBS Chief Isn’t Worried About YouTube or Google – ‘As Long as We Get Paid’ [Wired]