Ilium Software Bucks the Trend: ListPro for iOS Switches from Free to Paid

There’s been a general trend of iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad) apps to move from paid to free. Some of these apps are supported by advertisements while others use in-app purchasing as a means to obtain revenue. Ilium Software, however, ignored this trend recently when they changed the formerly free ListPro list making app to a paid one. It was previously an advertisement supported app.

ListPro 5.1.1 (iTunes App Store, $4.99)

ListPro has been a long time favorite app on other mobile platforms. It made my list of Todd’s Top 10 for Windows CE way back in 1998. I also included it in a list of organizational tools for Windows Mobile users in this article from a few years back.

Get Organized With Windows Mobile

Ilium sells ListPro for multiple platforms (excluding iOS) for a single $4.99 bundled price. So, the iPhone price is in line with ListPro for other mobile platforms.

But, why change now?