App Annie Advertising Analytics Integrated with Facebook

Analytics platform App Annie announced that its Advertising Analytics offering is now integrated with Facebook, allowing users to track their advertising data from the social network alongside their applications’ download and revenue metrics.

AppAnnieFacebook650Analytics platform App Annie announced that its Advertising Analytics offering is now integrated with Facebook, allowing users to track their advertising data from the social network alongside their applications’ download and revenue metrics.

App Annie users who run mobile app install ads and mobile app ads on Facebook can now track all of their data, including Facebook spend, impressions, clicks, conversions and effective cost per install.

App Annie offered more details in a blog post:

With the addition of Facebook, Advertising Analytics now supports 28 major ad platforms, allowing you to see a complete picture of your app’s business and empowering you to make key decisions with confidence. The data from all connected ad platforms is automatically collected daily and broken down by date, country, app store, app and ad platform. This means that you have the ability to visualize all your advertising metrics in a consumable and actionable way.

For example, if you’re responsible for user acquisition for your company’s newest app and have to provide weekly reports on the spend for various platforms, Advertising Analytics can help you keep track of all your advertising data, without wasting hours in individual ad platform dashboards. Let’s say, as a UA manager, your total spend is distributed across seven major ad platforms, and at the end of each week, you have to create a report that shows your total ad budget broken down by spend, clicks and conversions per platform. Using Advertising Analytics, you can not only pull a report like this without any manual aggregation or wait time from a business intelligence team, but also go the next step and make recommendations on which platforms should get additional budget. Never look at your advertising data in a vacuum again. Advertising Analytics will provide you with a complete picture for your user acquisition strategy at zero cost and no SDK (software development kit).

Developers: What do you think?
