Zuckerberg Doesn't Listen To Quora, Buys Divvyshot

When Mark Zuckerberg asked the Quora community who Facebook should acquire for a talent acquisition, numerous responses flowed in, yet nobody replied with “Divvyshot”, the latest acquisition of the company. Divvyshot is a YCombinator startup that focuses on sharing group photos.

The news, which was first published by Techcrunch was posted to the company’s website:

We are excited to announce that we’ve received an offer we can’t refuse. Facebook recently reached out to us about acquiring Divvyshot. The more we’ve learned about the team, their direction, and their product, the more excited we’ve become about this opportunity.

As a result, we’ve reached an agreement with Facebook for them to acquire many of the company’s assets. We will join the Facebook engineering team and focus on Facebook Photos.

We’re thrilled to work with some of the most talented engineers in the world in a dynamic and fun environment. The choice was easy. Facebook is well known as a company where engineers are given the resources and freedom to build cool stuff and, as a result, the only place where we felt that we would fit in.

The company will now shut down their product and instead they will focus on Facebook photos. The company clarified stating, “Existing users can continue to use Divvyshot; however no new accounts will be issued and our iPhone application will no longer be available for download.”