U.S. Military Wants Smartphones for Every Soldier & Some Very Interesting Capabilities

If you’ve been following military technology adoption in general and gadget adoption in particular, you’ve probably noted mobile related news like tactical apps from Raytheon and DARPA taking a close look at Android app development. The latest interesting mobile gadget in the military news is this item reported by USA Today.

Army sees smartphones as important for soldiers

Hey, stop rolling your eyes up! USA Today as an interesting article below its “doh!” sounding headline. The key points are these:

The Army wants to issue every soldier an iPhone or Android cellphone – it could be a soldier’s choice.

Efforts are underway around the Army to harness smart phones to revolutionize the way the service trains and fights.

The Army plans to roll out wireless Common Access Card readers for the iPhone in January and for Android phones in April. This would give soldiers secure access to their e-mail, contacts and calendars.

Army officials want soldiers to bring the phones to the war zone, where their intelligence sharing and communications capabilities could revolutionize battlefield tactics.

Vane said he wants to use the phones to collect biometrics on enemy combatants.