Tabloid Baby Exits TVGasm.Com

Tabloid Baby is leaving TVgasm, the obsessive viewer site owned by Bunim Murray, producers of Real World, et al. Seems some of the regular readers weren’t happy. And then there’s the charges of ethics violations (on a recap site? Spare us.)

The site moderator explains:

After writing for us since the olden days it is time to part ways with……. Tabloid baby. I know, I know…It’ll be ok. but the time has come to move on. We have a new newsgasm writer whos going to take over and will pick up where he left off. Unfortunately, she will be funny and not pot stirrer so for those types of posts you will all have to take a walk down memory lane and read TBs old posts.

TB’s editor in chief says:

They said we were mean! They’d get offended if we wrote that Kirstie Alley was fat or that Rachel Dratch was homely. Then they all retreated to the site forums, where the housewives and shut-ins flirt with the high school boys.

Why doesn’t B-M Prods. just get all those RealWorldRoadRules alumni to write/post/recap/read? Coral would be great or at least cheap.

TVgasm sure isn’t TWOP.