Retailers, Mobile Shoppers Want This

Google says mobile-friendly websites will benefit from its algorithm update in May. comScore says mobile e-commerce grew 59 percent in Holiday 2015. It seems mobile shopping is here to stay, so Bizrate Insights decided to spell out consumers’ eight demands from mobile e-sellers.

Here’s what marketers can do to improve mobile e-commerce, according to Hayley Silver, VP of Bizrate Insights, a division of Connexity:

Point 1: Avoid Requiring Too Much Pinching and Zooming That Can Lead to Misclicks. The No. 1 mobile pain point that one-third of all online shoppers cited was the need to constantly enlarge screens in order to click properly.

“Mobile experiences that require a lot of zooming not only frustrate people,” she says, “they tend to cause a lot of ‘misclicks,’ which send the user to a new page unintentionally. This can lead to a frustrating experience, wasted loading time and a higher bounce rate.”

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Image Padding: If a button or an image acts as a link, consider placing a few pixels of “padding” before the link becomes effective. This helps reduce stray clicks (from people tapping the edge of an image accidentally).
  • Respect the Scroll: Mobile shoppers tend to scroll significantly more than they click. Make sure your experience supports scrolling, and you give shoppers enough space to scroll without hitting too many accidental links along the way.


Point 2: Speed Up Load Time. “The only thing slower than mobile load times is the e-commerce response to the problem,” Silver points out. “ ‘Slow mobile loading; is bemoaned so often that some brands accept it as inevitable.”

Fixing it will probably yield an immediate drop in abandonment.

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Reduce Image File Sizes: Reduce image sizes to the exact sizes you need to fit the page. (Be sure the images also support the zoom feature, if available.)
  • Code Lean: Combine common pieces of code and reduce the number of plugins on your site.
  • Minimize ‘Dependency Requests’: Speak with your CTO or developer about this, because excessive dependency requests can slow load times significantly.


Point 3: Have Consistent Product Availability. The mobile and desktop shopping experiences are bound to look different on the surface, but shoppers hate it when they are fundamentally different. Completely changing your navigation or product availability on mobile can lead to frustration for omnichannel shoppers.

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Improve Discoverability: Sometimes your products are available on mobile, but are harder to find. Make sure your navigation is consistent, and your “smart search” suggests products with similar keywords to help consumers find the products quickly.
  • Support Omnichannel Shoppers: If a product is only available in-store, help them locate the nearest store that has the item in stock.


Point 4: Make Text Large Enough to Read. Marketers already know this is a problem, yet it remains a persistent complaint by mobile shoppers. Enlarge type, darken it and/or add contrast. If none of that works, change the type completely.

“It’s never worth the risk of losing customers just because they’re tired of squinting,” Silver says.

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Larger Text = Less Text: Always ask yourself, “How can we say this in fewer words?” Then ask that question again. And again.
  • Focus on the Headline: Be sure to “frontload” your content for mobile devices, because shoppers are even less likely to get past the headline or the first few sentences.


Bizrate Insights research


Point 5: Shoppers Say: Don’t Make Me Type! Screens are larger than before, but mobile shoppers still don’t like typing.
Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Offer Smart Search: “Smart search” auto-suggests common searches based on what the user starts to type, which reduces unnecessary typing.
  • Offer Payment Options Like PayPal, Because They Reduce Checkout Time: Google Wallet, PayPal and more save customers from entering their credit card numbers and addresses.


Point 6: Enlarge Images. “Great mobile shopping experiences require a delicate balance; space is extremely limited, but content must be large enough to read,” Silver says. “E-tailers must be more thoughtful in their mobile content prioritization, and the No. 1 priority on their list should always be images. Product images are the bread and butter of an e-commerce business. And in mobile, they are even more crucial. Mobile shoppers don’t want to type and click; they want to seamlessly browse through visuals and inspiration.”

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Up the Image Ratio: Unlike desktops, mobile interfaces should lean heavily toward images. Ideally, imagery will represent at least 50 percent of your screen space, and be the central focus of your mobile pages.
  • Make Sure Shoppers Can Zoom: (See Point 1.) Especially for product images, make sure users can zoom by pinching and/or double-tapping the image.
  • Have Only Four to Six Product Thumbnails Per Category Page: While a retail category page on a desktop display could have as many as 16 products on a single page, you obviously need to decrease total thumbnails on mobile screens.


Point 7: Have Enough Product Information. While cutting copy on your home page and category pages can free up precious space on your mobile screen, never sacrifice your product copy. “Mobile shoppers who are seriously considering a purchase want the same amount of product info as they would on desktop,” Silver says. “Never eliminate or reduce product details to save space. Instead, get smart about how you display it.”

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Let Shoppers Click for More Information: If you’re working with limited real estate on your product page, offer a teaser — then a “click for more” option.
  • Keep Tabs: Consider dividing your product description into tabs (description, details, return policy, etc.).


Point 8: Know That Consumers Actually Do Have Data Security Concerns. “In the wake of so many public data breaches,” Silver says, “consumer concerns over data security remain alive and well. Bizrate Insights found that nearly two-thirds of American shoppers don’t trust retailers with their payment and personal information.”

Tips for what marketers can do:

  • Always Offer Mobile Shoppers Alternative Payment Systems: (See Point 5.) Solutions like PayPal, Google Wallet and Visa Checkout don’t require shoppers to enter their personal data, and many shoppers Bizrate Insights surveyed explicitly mentioned that they preferred PayPal for security reasons.
  • Consistently Remind Shoppers That Their Information Is Safe: Reinforce trust. Use terminology such as “enter secure checkout” throughout your mobile site, and offer further information about your security measures for those who want to learn more.

What do you think, marketers?

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