Motorola Mobility Survey of Smartphone Use: Work & Play Lines Blurred (no surprise)

It pays for smartphone manufacturers to know what their customers do with their products. So, Motorola commisioned a survey study to do just that.

New Motorola Mobility Survey Shows More Smartphone Users Crossing the Line Between Work and Play

Here’s what they learned from their survey of U.S. smartphone users:

1. 53% check work email while on vacation
2. 50+% “friend” co-workers on social networking sites
3. Nearly 50% have been woken up at night by a work call, text or email
4. 30% used their smartphone to amuse themselves during a boring meeting
5. 20% used their smartphone for business while drinking after work or on the weekend
6. 15% have accidentally emailed a personal note to an unintended business related contact (including co-workers)
7. 14% have responded to work email while in bed