Mike Tyson Wants To Help You Quit Your Angry Birds Addiction

Is your Angry Birds addiction ruining your life? Lucky for you, Mike Tyson is here to cure your Angry Birds addiction in just three easy steps. Okay, maybe just one easy step.

Do you play Angry Birds all the time and hate yourself for it? Is your addiction ruining your life? Do you wish you could stop playing but you just can’t tear yourself away? Lucky for you, Mike Tyson is here to cure your Angry Birds addiction in just three easy steps. Okay, maybe just one easy step.

Mike Tyson’s Angry Birds cure video hit YouTube earlier the month, just after the iPad 2 was released because, of course, the first thing people are going to do after they take their brand new iPad 2 out of the box is start playing Angry Birds (sad, but true). The clip has just started picking up speed over the last couple of days with around 116,000 views so far.

Now, this video is obviously a promotion for something, but it’s a little hard to figure out what. Could it be a parody to actually promote Angry Birds? Is it promoting the iPad, which is featured in the video? Could it be a promotion for Mike Tyson’s new Animal Planet show ‘Taking on Tyson’, which he mentions at the beginning of the clip? Turns out it’s actually a promotion for ESPN’s SportsNation.

That’s right. The original video prompts viewers to ‘Click Here’ to order Mike Tyson’s Angry Birds Addiction Cure and when they click an annotation takes them to a bonus bloopers clip. At the end of the clip is a screen with the SportsNation logo and a link to their Facebook page. Oh, and both videos are hosted on the SportsNation YouTube page.

What does Angry Birds, the iPad 2 or Mike Tyson’s addiction cure have to do with SportsNation? Well, not much besides Mike Tyson. The show uploaded a photo of Tyson, with the iPad, the day before the video was uploaded with the caption, “COMMENT your best guess what Tyson is doing with an iPad for an SN t-shirt.” To me it’s a little strange that this video so had nothing to do with sports (unless you call Angry Birds a sport, which I’m sure some people do) but I guess brands today will do pretty much anything to go viral (I’m talking to you Smartwater).

All the SportsNation randomness aside, I thought this video was pretty hilarious. How about you? Would you let Mike Tyson cure your Angry Birds addiction?