Media Party Betting: No Money, Big Whammies

In addition to fête-ing themselves for accomplishments as minor as waking up in the morning, it’s widely held that media professionals know better than anyone how to stage stunts to score their periodical/product/business/book some headlines the morning after.

We’ve decided it’s time to start pooling our knowledge (and, perhaps, launch some pools) by gaming who and what’ll be thrown down at New York-area media events. Put enough media luminaries into a room — even if they’re too “pussy” to fight — something notably odd is bound to happen. So, welcome to FishbowlNY’s own version of ‘Press’ Your Luck, wherein we peer into our crystal ball and wade through past experience to lay odds on what percentage of their souls media celebutantes will sell for a headline.

First up:

  • Pees on Earth book signing (complete with DJs) in Soho
    Promotional low: Performance art-style golden showers
    Odds: 10 to 1
    Who’ll be there: Fetishists, hipster book publishing types (read: the art department)
    Odds of an altercation: 20 to 1

    Have guesses or suggestions of your own? Send them to: fishbowlny AT mediabistro DOT com