Juno Haters Surface As Box Office Grows

David Carr, the NYT’s Carpetbagger,
tries to tell the world that Juno is being kicked around by the more serious movies. One of his commenters, Mayblossom, (who could be Emily Gould, you never know) lacerates the Little Movie That Could and the screenwriter:

Cody is no more an “ex-stripper” than Juno is a tiny indie with no friends or money but a big heart that wins over millions of ticketbuyers.

Those standing shoulder to shoulder against the juggernaut of quirky ‘n’ twee are:

Scott Van Arsdale:

I don’t want to see Juno within a thousand feet of the Kodak Theater

David Edelstein:

Cody and Reitman flatter the audience for its sensitivity while cramming in pop-culture references (and nonstop alt-pop) to make it feel hip

Mark Asch:

Diablo Cody was nominated for her backstory

So are these legitimate criticisms or old farts being mean to the new girl? FBLA thinks both. Fox Searchlight’s media campaign could have been less eager to trot out Diablo Cody’s naughty-but-nice bio. Cody, for her part, could have ignored the publicist’s playbook, and chatted more about her writing and less about the pole. The wonderfully kind and graceful Billy Mernit says the same thing, but kindly and uh, gracefully.

Of course, with the publicist sitting right there in the interview, it’s hard to ignore them.


Diablo Cody: Backlash Official