Is Digital Media Changing Publishing Timeline Expectations?

Compared to other media like blogs and newspapers, book publishing is not known for its speediness. Rather than breaking stories, book publishers are better known for getting you the big picture, full story of an event.

But eBook publishing is changing this turnaround that book publishing was once afforded. Within days of Bin Laden’s death, eBooks on the subject began popping up.

And now, a new eBook on the Boston Bruins’ Stanley Cup victory has come out just days after the game was played. And book publicists are pushing this speed. In an email from Adams Media, Senior Publicist Adri Cowan wrote: “Within hours of the Bruins winning the Stanley Cup, we had a complete 61-page ebook about the Bruins and their Stanley Cup victory up on the virtual shelves by that following Saturday – less than 3 days after the historical event.”

Is eBook publishing changing the expectations of book turnaround times?