Instagram: Here's How to Use the Music Sticker in Stories

Add a song to a photo or video

Instagram recently introduced the ability to add songs to photos and videos in Instagram Stories. Part of this feature is a new “Music” sticker that can be placed on top of photos and videos before they’re shared. Our guide will show you how the Music sticker works.

Note: These screenshots were captured in the Instagram application on iOS.

Step 1: Once you’ve taken or imported a photo or video into Instagram Stories, tap the sticker button in the top-right corner of the screen.

The sticker button is highlighted in the Instagram app.

Step 2: Tap the Music sticker.

The music sticker is highlighted in the Instagram app.

Step 3: Either scroll through the list of songs Instagram presents you with, or tap “Search Music” at the top of the screen to search for a song manually. Note: If you tap “Moods” and “Genres” near the top of the screen, you can browse songs split into different moods, like “Fun” and “Dreamy,” and genres, like “Hip Hop” and “Country.”

The "search music" option in the Instagram app is highlighted.

Step 4: When you find the song you want to use, tap it to add it to your post. Note: You can tap the play button to the right of any song to hear a preview of it.

A song is highlighted in the Instagram app.

Step 5 (optional): By default, the sticker will begin playing at the very beginning of the song. If you want to select a different portion of the song to play, drag the slider horizontally to select a new portion. To preview the portion you’ve selected, lift your finger from the screen.

A slider is used to select a different portion of a song.

Step 6 (optional): By default, the sticker will play a seven-second clip of the song when other users view your post. If you want to make the clip longer or shorter, tap the “7 Secs” button near the bottom of the screen.

This button will let you make the clip longer or shorter.

Step 7 (optional): Select the length for your song clip (anywhere from five to 15 seconds).

The length of the clip is selected.

Step 8 (optional): When you’re done selecting the length for your song clip, tap “Done.”

The "done" button is pressed when a time is selected.

Step 9: When you’re done editing the sticker, tap “Done” in the top-right corner of the screen.

The "done" button is pressed when the sticker is completely edited.

Step 10: From there, you can rotate, resize and drag the sticker around the screen to best fit your post before sharing it. You can also tap the sticker to change its appearance.

The final touches of the Instagram story are applied.