How Do You Get Your App Discovered?

How do you get your app discovered? Make it good, said Jon Viassapulos, CEO of mobile media company skyrockit, said at a panel called “iPhone, Android and Blackberry: The Best Strategies for Getting Your App Discovered,” today at the DigiDay: Apps Conference in New York.

While that may seem a bit obvious, Viassapulos pointed out that quality content will get people excited and get them to share it with their friends which will result in higher placement in the app store.

These days publishers are learning how to tie their books to apps. Crown Digital recently launched a Zombie Survival Scanner app for the iPhone to promote the Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide.

Publishers getting into apps should consider their goals when measuring the success of an iPhone app. Jeff Sass, VP, Business Development, mobile company Jumptap said that when making an app it is important to define your goals and measure accordingly. “Downloads is not necessarily the best metric,” he said. “If people are downloading it without using it, is it worth the money you have spent?”