Five Book Apps On Sale For Your Holiday Enjoyment

Are you getting ready for a big July 4th trip or just grilling in the back yard? We’ve put together a list of book apps that are on sale this week to help you enjoy your holiday. The list includes titles for grownups and kids.

  1. On The Road: Penguin Digital’s interactive iPad adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s classic novel will be on sale for $12.99 through July 5th. (The price will go up to $16.99 after the sale).
  2. Great Backyard Grilling: This cookbook app from CulinartMedia is a great tool for holiday BBQs and is on sale for $3.99.
  3. Yoga in Bed (Enhanced Edition): This Vook app by Naomi Sophia Call will help you get in shape for summer. Barnes & Noble has the app on sale for $3.99.
  4. Cars 2: Storybook Deluxe: Disney Publishing’s kids book iPad app is currently on sale for $5.99.
  5. Three Little Pigs: Nosy Crow’s digital adaptation of this classic children’s book is app is half off for the holiday the iPad version is now $3.99, and the iPhone version is $1.99.