Loytr Application Brings Facebook Timeline To IPad Users

Loytr, the maker of popular Facebook iPad app MyPad, turned its attention to the upcoming timeline profile with the release of its new iPad app, Timelines for Facebook.

Loytr, the maker of popular Facebook iPad application MyPad, turned its attention to the forthcoming profile upgrade with the release of its new app for the Apple tablet, Timelines for Facebook.

The app brings all of the elements of the timeline profile to users of the Apple tablet, and users can browse their timeline profiles, Facebook friend lists, news feeds, and friends’ timeline profiles, either randomly or in alphabetical order.

Timelines for Facebook is certainly attractive, and it may be one of the only ways to enjoy timeline before the sitewide rollout of the advanced profile.

And Loytr is certainly not a flash in the pan, as MyPad has been downloaded more than 25 million times and boasts over 2.5 million daily users.

Readers: Are you chomping at the bit for the official release of Facebook’s timeline?