Facebook: Here's How to Add GIFs to Stories

Share animated images

Did you know that Facebook allows you to add GIFs to your Stories posts? Our guide will show you how this is done.

Note: These screenshots were captured in the Facebook application on iOS.

Step 1: Once you’ve taken a new photo or video, or imported an existing photo or video from your device into Facebook Stories, tap the Stickers icon at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Tap “GIF.”

Step 3: Type a search query if you want to search for a GIF to add to your post. Note: You can also scroll through the GIFs presented to you on this screen and tap one to add it to your post.

Step 4: If you decided to search for a GIF, scroll through the search results and tap a GIF to add it to your post. Note: If you don’t see a GIF you want to share, you can tap the search bar again to search for something else.

From there, you can rotate, resize and move the GIF around the screen to best fit your post. You can also add other elements to your post, such as text and drawings, before sharing it. Finally, you can add more than one GIF to a single post by repeating these steps.