Facebook Testing User-Added Emoticons In Status Updates?

Facebook appears to be testing expanded availability of emoticons in status updates independent of those available via the menu of emoticons and actions it began rolling out to users last month, as some users are finding that they can add their own emoticons to status updates, independent of the menu, but those emoticons are only appearing on their Timelines, and not on the News Feed.

Facebook appears to be testing expanded availability of emoticons in status updates independent of those available via the menu of emoticons and actions it began rolling out to users last month, as some users are finding that they can add their own emoticons to status updates, independent of the menu, but those emoticons are only appearing on their Timelines, and not on the News Feed.

Social Yeah Founder Kevin Evanetski shared the screenshots below, in which emoticons display properly in a status update on the Social Yeah Timeline, but when viewed on the News Feed, they appear as the characters that generate them.

Readers: Have you noticed this?