How Sports Fans Engage With Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]

Nearly 70% of sports fans who follow brands on social media are willing to take additional action, including purchasing, commenting or sharing brand content, according to IMG’s 2013 Catalyst Fan Engagement Study.

Catalyst PR created the infographic below as a visual version of the study’s findings.

Key takeaways from the study, based on a REPUCOM survey of more than 2,100 avid sports fans aged 16-64:

– On gameday, Twitter has the most frequent use. Instagram has shown the most growth in post-game use.

– Google+ and YouTube have seen the largest overall year-over-year growth (+94% and +35% respectively), but Facebook is still the most used channel, with 73% of sports fans using it to follow and discuss sports.

The most engaging content for sports teams to publish is pre-game excitement, followed by historic photos/videos and then bloopers.

(Source: Catalyst.)