92% Of U.S. Companies Now Using Social Media For Recruitment [Infographic]

Is your company using social media for employee recruitment? If not, you’re part of a dying breed. According to a new infographic from Intricate, more employers are using social media to find talent and potential employees than ever before.

Is your company using social media for employee recruitment?  If not, you’re part of a dying breed.  According to a new infographic from Intricate, more employers are using social media to find talent and potential employees than ever before.

The infographic, ‘Social Media And The Effect On Employee Recruitment,’ which is based upon statistics from the Jobvite 2012 Social Recruitment Survey, indicates that 92 percent of U.S. companies have used social media networks in 2012 as part of their recruitment efforts.  Additionally, 7 out of 10 employers have successfully hired a candidate through social media.

The infographic also takes a look at the top social media sites for recruitment over time.  Unsurprisingly, LinkedIn tops the charts (it is, after all, designed for business networking).  Linkedin is followed by Facebook and then Twitter, with YouTube and Google+ also on the radar.

If you’re looking for a job, Intricate recommends avoiding posts and tweets about illegal drugs, sexual posts and tweets, profanity, grammatical mistakes and pictures of you drinking.  Of course, you should probably try to avoid these things anyway…

Check out the full infographic below to learn more and let us know what you think.  Have you hired an employee or gotten a job via social media?

Megan O’Neill is the resident web video enthusiast here at Social Times.  Megan covers everything from the latest viral videos to online video news and tips, and has a passion for bizarre, original and revolutionary content and ideas.