Viral Radar: EPIC Movie Trailer Marriage Proposal

Marriage proposal videos on YouTube just keep getting better and better.

Marriage proposal videos on YouTube just keep getting better and better.  Over the past year we’ve seen proposal Flash mobs, the Old Spice guy propose to someone’s girlfriend for him, and MysteryGuitarMan ask Sarah Evershed to marry him with an awesome professional movie trailer.  Now a guy named Matt is one-upping them all, in my opinion, with yet another EPIC movie trailer proposal.

In the video, Matt says that he has always told his girlfriend Ginny that together they will “make the movies jealous”, so creating a movie trailer was the perfect proposal idea.  The trailer, for a movie called ‘Making the Movies Jealous’, features Matt asking Ginny’s dad permission to ask his daughter’s hand in marriage.  After the trailer ends we see Matt run out of Ginny’s dad’s house, jump in the car and drive to the movie theater to propose in person.  Pretty freakin’ sweet.  You’ll have to watch the video below to find out what Ginny said.

The video, aptly titled ‘Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!!’ was only uploaded yesterday and is already taking off, after getting coverage on popular sites like BuzzFeed, and almost everyone loves it.  So far the video has 1,273 likes and only 45 dislikes.  Check it out below and then let us know what you think about the video in the comments below.  Has Matt set the bar too high for other guys thinking about proposing to their girlfriends?  What do you think?

Megan O’Neill is the resident web video enthusiast here at Social Times.  Megan covers everything from the latest viral videos to online video news and tips, and has a passion for bizarre, original and revolutionary content and ideas.