Google Street View Lending 42lb Panoramic Trekker Camera to Lucky Backpackers

Backpackers willing to haul 42pounds of extra weight can apply to rent the 15 camera, panoramic set from the team at Google Street View. The “Trekker Backpack” is known for its amazing documentation of remote locations, such as Mount Everest and the Grand Canyon.

The Trekker is operated by an Android device and consists of 15 lenses angled in a different direction so the images can be stitched together into 360-degree panoramic views. As the operator walks, photos are taken roughly every 2.5 seconds. Our first collection using this camera technology was taken along the rough, rocky terrain of Arizona’s Grand Canyon.


Interested parties should fill out this form. Be prepared to explain your intentions with the Trekker:

If you represent an organization such as a tourism board, non-profit, government agency, university or research group that would like to take photos with the Trekker for future inclusion on Google Maps, please fill out this form. Tell us more about your proposed locations and upcoming trips, and we’ll get back to you if/when there’s an opportunity for us to partner with you on a Trekker collection. Thanks!


Via Ars Technica