Fonta: Add custom text to your images on iOS

iPhone photography buffs have a new option for photo editing software, as Thirtyfive Inc. has released Fonta on iPhone. The app allows users to import and customize their photos with a selection of fonts, captions and transparent cliparts, and then share those images back out to Facebook, Instagram and more.

Fonta’s text feature allows users to type custom phrases on each image, and drag that font around to the perfect location. Font can be resized, or masked, adding the photo itself as a texture of the font, while other options allow for customizing the space between letters and altering the phrase’s opacity and color, among other options.

Aside from adding text, Fonta supports general image filters, as well as a few stock clipart images, which can also be manually positioned onto the image and altered in terms of opacity and color. For instance, users could place a music note on top of a concert picture, or a plane on top of a travel picture.

Once an image is complete, it can be shared to Facebook, Twitter, email, Tumblr, text and Instagram, or simply saved to the camera roll for future use.

Fonta is similar to other iOS photo editing apps, including WordsOn and InstaText, among others. It’s now available to download for $0.99, though the app’s description does indicate the price may increase in the future. Check back soon to follow Fonta on AppData, our tracking service for mobile and social apps and developers.