Daniel Burstein

Daniel Burstein is the Senior Director, Content and Marketing at MECLABS Institute. Daniel oversees all content and marketing coming from the MarketingExperiments and MarketingSherpa brands while helping to shape the marketing direction for MECLABS — digging for actionable discoveries while serving as an advocate for the audience.

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Stop Thinking Logically — and Start Thinking Like Your Customers

Marketing Innovation

Anxiety and friction are two factors that decrease customers’ likelihood to purchase your product that have nothing to do with a cold calculus of benefits and dollars and cents. Consider [...]

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Confusing Value Proposition with Incentive Is Bad — Here’s Why

Marketing Innovation

Sometimes, I envy scientists. Their words have meaning. Oxygen is oxygen is oxygen. One biologist doesn’t use it one way, while a chemist uses it in a different way. In [...]

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The Most Effective Branding Is More About the Customer Than the Company

Marketing Innovation

A farm stand did an excellent job positioning its peaches to my daughter. As a marketer, how can you replicate that effective branding? And does your product deliver on that [...]

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How Leaders Can Handle Change Management with Their Teams

Publishing News

Change does not want to happen. The status quo is tenacious. Change management is hard. Heck, Newton’s first law is the Law of Inertia. Things will stay as they are, [...]

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Why Publishers Should Be Cautious of ‘Team Mentality’ and Encourage Dissent

Publishing News

We casually throw around so many words and analogies in the business world that sometimes their true meaning doesn’t even register with us. Take the word “team.” Your agency has [...]

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Preserving the Human Touch in Email Marketing Automation

Marketing Innovation

The robot doesn’t know. It’s just following a set of programmed instructions. That’s why technology may be smart … but we can’t expect it to be wise. The wisdom is [...]

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Preserving Customer Wisdom: Is Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset Leaking Out the Door?


When times are good, leaders never stop having problems. They just get better problems. With the economy booming, marketing budget cuts aren’t the most pressing challenge right now. In fact, [...]

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The Top 3 A/B Testing Challenges That Prevent Marketers From Getting Big Lifts

Emerging Technologies

A/B testing can generate impressive results because it allows marketers to discover what really works. And the results can be clearly measured and communicated to clients, business leaders, or partners [...]

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Optimizing Email Capture: 8-point Checklist to Grow Your Email Marketing List by Maximizing the Perceived Value of Opting In

Marketing Innovation

Every action you ask your customers to take has a cost and a value to them. Even “free” actions like subscribing to an email list. If you want to get [...]

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How to Consistently Increase Conversion


To provide marketers with that similar process improvement tool, MECLABS Institute created the patented Conversion Sequence Heuristic in 2007. Marketing leaders have used it to help their teams and agencies [...]