Are Subscriber- or Date-based Actions Best in Triggered Email Campaigns?

Marketing technology, and more specifically, the exact tech you need to get your marketing campaigns where they need to be, should be at the forefront of all marketers’ minds in 2015.

We asked Jason Rodriguez, community manager at Litmus the following question about email: Are subscriber- or date-based actions best in triggered email campaigns?

He answered:

I don’t think it’s one or the other, really. Both are useful in specific situations. The real value is in understanding where they work best and paying attention to your subscribers’ habits.

Subscriber-triggered email campaigns are typically very engaging for users. Since they are tied to subscribers actually performing some action, they are by nature highly relevant and can greatly influence subscriber behavior. Cart abandonment emails and follow-ups to downloads are amazing at keeping subscribers interested in that moment. They also show that you pay attention to what people are doing and care about providing value beyond an initial click or form submission.

While date-triggered campaigns can be less engaging, they are usually easier to set up and can still do a lot for any email marketing program. Date-based welcome series are a great way to introduce people to your brand or product, while birthday emails show subscribers you care. Date-based reengagement campaigns are also fantastic, since they help to bring subscribers back into the fold and keep your lists clean. Inviting inactive subscribers to reengage after two or three months, and unsubscribing them if they don’t, is one of the best ways to keep your sender reputation high.

Every audience, client and product is different, though, so tailor both solutions accordingly. If you’re scared to dive in, just test smaller triggered campaigns. Email is wonderful in that it’s easy to iterate on an idea until you find something that works.