Roll Call's Cillizza Jumps Ship

What was once a trickle is quickly turning into a full-blown brain drain over at Roll Call. An email today from Chris Cillizza, the paper’s White House writer about an big step up:

“I just wanted to let everyone know that I have accepted a position at The job is to write a political column/blog for the website. It will be updated several times a day and the goal is to make it a daily stop for political junkies. I am going to write about everything from Senate, gubernatorial and House races to consultants and new 527s etc. I will also be (hopefully) writing for the paper as well. I will be stationed in the national newsroom at 15th and L street and my copy will be edited by John Harris, the national politics editor. I start Sept. 12.”

Roll Call’s deputy editor Lou Jacobson informed the staff of the departure today, saying, “Chris has been a stalwart of the staff for four years, and we are terribly sorry to lose him. However, we are excited that he has been given a chance to build on his experience at Roll Call by taking up a new challenge in political journalism.”

On the relatively small staff, he’s at least the fourth staffer to bolt over the summer. What’s going on over there?