Is a Zoo NYT-worthy?

The new issue of Washingtonian wonders about why one of the heirs to the Sulzberger family, Lynn Dolnick, was recently named to the board of the New York Times, not a mention was made of her 15-year career at the National Zoo.

She began in 1987 as special assistant to then-director Michael Robinson, then became the head of exhibits and ultimately associate director for exhibits and outreach. Occasionally she even served as the zoo’s spokesperson (like for the birth of a baby panda), and her name was even bandied about as a possible replacement for Robinson when he left.

Despite her proud and very happy work there, Dolnick’s career mysteriously never made it into the NYT story naming her to the Gray Lady’s corporate board.

“Sources say some family members were embarrassed at what they saw as her low-level resume, especially as she holds a PhD from Brandeis,” the Washingtonian reports.

Guess not all the news is fit to print, huh?