Mundane, prepare to meet thine enemy!

Ariel Kaminer succeeds Jodi Kantor as NYT Arts & Leisure editrix

While ink ’round the world was furiously spilled over succession at News Corp., the reins of power were quietly handed over within another dynasty: the New York Times. Departing Arts & Leisure editor Jodi Kantor, who officially left her post last week, has been replaced by Kantor’s deputy, Ariel Kaminer, in a not-very-surprising move.

In a memo which he clearly had a jolly good time writing, Culture editor Sam Sifton, whose name sounds perfect for an whiskey-pounding, five o’clock-shadow-wearing gumshoe in a 40’s noir flick, sings Kaminer’s praises, calling her a “champion of excellence,” an “enemy of the mundane” and celebrating her general commitment to developing talent, coralling wild horses, and overall rockism.

As you are no doubt aware, Jodi Kantor relinquished her sceptre as the High Priestess of the A&L pages in order to return to writing, signing on as a beat reporter with the “Way We Live Now” team. Kantor, who is pregnant, had originally planned to leave the section before delivering in December, but told FISHBOWL via email that “when the “Way We Live” gig came up, I just couldn’t pass it up.” Ergo, the summer switcheroo. Turns out the move was in the works for quite some time as Kantor deliberated her return to the reporting trenches. “Wanting to write for the Times has been a pretty constant desire — I did some of it while I was still at Slate,” she said. After a few years indoors in the editor’s chair she started having a yen to go after stories herself. “Working on the reporting in this section has made me hungry to do some of it myself — I was inspired by people like Randy Kennedy, Jesse McKinley, Dan Wakin, and Jacques Steinberg, to name just a few.” Aw. Sounds like the Times is one big happy family – which is more than we can say for News Corp. right now. And so, this post comes full circle.

The NYT welcomes Ariel Kaminer [Media Mob]

NYO Off The Record [NYO, 2nd item]

Why The Times Needs Jodi Kantor [The Black Table]
Jodi Kantor, Young Global Leader [The Forum of Young Global Leaders]
Ariel Kaminer: She will gush, you know, if you freaking deserve it [NYDN, 5th item]
Ariel Kaminer FanFic [TMFTML]

Music inspired by the lovely A&L Editrices, past and present:
Part Of Your World [The Little Mermaid]
Footloose [Kenny Loggins]
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby [Eddie Cantor]
Kol Nidre/My Name Is Yussel [The Jazz Singer]

(Photo courtesy of shutterbug Nikola Tamindzic courtesy of Gawker)