6 Ways to Say ‘Thank You’ on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

6 Ways to Say ‘Thank You’ on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

It’s Thanksgiving Day, so what better time to reach out and thank customers, fans, friends and family on your favourite social media sites?

Here are six ways to give back:

1. On Twitter, give someone a shout-out for a great blog post, presentation or simply for being a loyal client

2. Endorse someone on LinkedIn

3. Share a post or give a shout-out on social media to loyal customers

4. Post a fun team photo on Facebook with a thank-you message from your employees

5. Feature a client, industry insider or team member in a blog post and share to your social channels

6. Thank your followers when you reach a milestone – for example, 1,000 followers, Likes or shares

Check the visual below for six ways to say thank you on social media, which comes courtesy of VitalDesign.

6 Ways to Say ‘Thank You’ on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

(Source: VitalDesign.)