5 Facebook Damage Control Lessons From Versace

Here's a lesson in damage control via social media, written by the experts at ShortStack.

Versace had quickly disabled the user commenting on the designer’s Facebook wall after protestors marked it up on July 6 with gripes about a dangerous technique used for creating distressed denim, called sandblasting.

We think the designer could have handled this nightmare of a situation in a better way. Regardless, here’s what the incident can teach all of us.

Follow The Leaders

Learning from others in your industry is crucial. In Versace’s case, many designers have already taken a strong stance against the issue. Both Levi’s and Gucci have cut sandblasted denim in their collections and received praise for doing so.

Take note of important trends and implement them within your business to either gain the same respect, or if anything, to avoid the backlash of being seen as a business reluctant of change.

An Apology Goes A Long Way

Although Versace has yet to take any action regarding the cleanup of their messy situation; it’s recommended that they apologize soon.

Bad publicity is not good public relations, especially when it comes to Facebook. But the public is quick to forgive – -as long as there’s action behind those words.

Support A Cause

Saying sorry is one thing, but making a change is another. Versace’s brand recovery effort needs to include supporting a good cause.

The Clean Clothes Campaign is one group in Versace’s industry that, right about now, the designer ought to hold hands with. Keep in
mind, through a genuine approach, your efforts will be applauded.

Give Users Their Voice Back

Versace’s response on Facebook situation was quick and reactive, but not proactive in the least. The designer acted defensively, which can strip a business dignity or integrity. Removing fan publishing rights will only get you so far.

We’ve said it before: Don’t ignore or delete bad comments. Face them head on. And if hate is in the masses, like it was for Versace, work fast on implementing one of the suggestions.

Learn From Mistakes

Above all, learning from your business’s mistakes is most important. It’s not the way you fall that matters, but how you get up.

In Versace’s situation — and others like it- – redemption is possible. All it takes is the willingness to listen and to change.

The team at ShortStack guest wrote this post.