Calendars, Pages, Quizzes, Happiness, Photos, and Korea on This Week’s Top 20 Growing Facebook Apps by MAU

A few calendar applications in different languages, as well as quiz and photos apps, a Turkish video and Page tab apps, a love app and the app were on our list this week. The apps on our list grew from between 174,700 and 444,300 MAU, based on AppData, our data tracking service covering traffic growth for apps on Facebook. We define “emerging” applications as those that ended with between 100,000 and 1 million MAU in the past week.

Top Gainers This Week

Name MAU Gain Gain,%
1.  Premier League Fantasy Football 644,938 +444,280 +221%
2.  MiCalendario 982,551 +347,497 +55%
3.  Qui regarde le plus votre profil ? 369,584 +344,135 +1,352%
4.  GnomeTown 643,535 +328,049 +104%
5.  Vizlesene 308,333 +303,678 +6,524%
6. 714,691 +302,244 +73%
7.  ESPN Sports Bar & Grill 593,668 +272,678 +85%
8.  Hoş Geldiniz 560,947 +245,167 +78%
9.  Static HTML… [Fifth Tab] 781,470 +218,454 +39%
10.  Dreamland 311,895 +212,085 +212%
11.  MijnKalender (Nederlands) 527,731 +205,102 +64%
12.  Top Fifty Photos of Friends 868,779 +203,914 +31%
13.  FizTube World’s 347,616 +200,409 +136%
14.  How Happy are You Today 369,433 +196,849 +114%
15.  Warheiitsspiiel 315,545 +190,616 +153%
16.  Together 822,545 +187,366 +29%
17. 286,998 +185,588 +183%
18.  MinKalender (Dansk) 538,693 +183,896 +52%
19.  SlotSpot – Best Free Slot Machines 395,381 +180,307 +84%
20.  Edgeworld 438,721 +174,686 +66%

Topping our list of apps this week was the Spanish calendar app MiCalendario, which grew by 347,500 MAU. Then there were the Dutch and German versions, MijnKalender (Nederlands) with 205,100 MAU and MinKalender (Dansk) with 183,900 MAU. The apps immediately ask users to invite friends in order to use them.

The French Qui regarde le plus votre profil ? grew by 344,100 MAU. A Turkish app, Vizlesene, grew by 303,700 MAU. Friend quiz app grew by 302,200 MAU; the app asks users questions about their friends, then asks them to invite them to the app after answering. A Turkish Page tab app Hoş Geldiniz, grew by 245,200 MAU while an English one, Static HTML… [Fifth Tab], grew by 218,500 MAU.

Photo discovery app Top Fifty Photos of Friends grew by 203,900 MAU. Turkish video app FizTube World’s grew by 200,400 MAU; usually these apps allow users to Like, share and comment on videos.

How Happy are You Today is an app that decides how happy you are with a percentage and publishes it to your Wall; it grew by 196,900 MAU. Warheiitsspiiel is a German app that grew by 190,600 MAU. Together is an app that asks users to make matches amongst their friends, publishing to their Wall; it grew by 187,400 MAU. Finally, is an app that lets users see the website on the Facebook platform and grew by 287,000 MAU.

All data in this post comes from our traffic tracking service, AppData. Stay tuned next week for our look at the top weekly gainers by monthly active users on Monday, the top weekly gainers by daily active users on Wednesday, and the top emerging apps on Friday.