Scribd Plugs In to Facebook

When social networks get together, anything can happen. If by anything you mean more social networking. Facebook is launching a series of new features called social plugins (here‘s more info on social plugins from Facebook, which basically allow Web sites outside of Facebook to offer their users many of Facebook’s features–including the “like” button, recommendations, and integration with various Facebook feeds. Scribd, the document sharing social network, will be one of the launch partners for Facebook’s social plugins, according to CNN Money.

Here’s an excerpt:

Initially, Scribd will draw from Social Plugins to add two dynamic elements to the site experience. Scribd readers will be able to “like” what their favorite reading materials, using Facebook’s new button. Using Facebook Connect, they’ve already been able to share books on Facebook, but this is different. Shared material is ephemeral, disappearing from news feeds quickly. When a reader likes a book, that action becomes a permanent part of the Facebook page.

Also, a small newsfeed box will offer a stream of updates about what Scribd readers are reading and make recommendations. This is the type of tool that keeps half of Facebook’s 400 million plus users returning to the site daily and causes them to spend time on the site.

Appearing on all of those Facebook pages will certainly draw new eyes toward Scribd. It seems unlikely that Scribd will bump up Facebook’s numbers much. Is anyone not on Facebook anymore?